Financial Legend of Tables :
ISIN: is the identification code most commonly used to identify funds, ETFs and other financial instruments
Fund: by clicking, you will be able to view the simplified fund factsheet
Currency : is the currency in which the fund is denominated
Esgap: "ESG Adjusted Performance." It is a proprietary measure of MCSR that allows a summary evaluation of funds considering the quality of the sustainable investment process, continuity, and measurement of performance and risk parameters over the past 3 years. The maximum value is 5 points for funds that cumulate financial and ESG excellence.
Performance: Measures fund performance continuity (expressed in euros) over three different time periods with a scale of 1 to 5. Funds rated 5 are excellent in performance.
Risk: Measures the continuity of risk taken by the fund in terms of volatility over three different time periods with a scale of 1 to 5. Funds rated 5 are excellent at controlling risk.
Cost: This is the aggregate cost of the fund on an annual basis. In Portfolio it is the aggregate cost of all its component instruments.
SRRI: This is the legal parameter that defines the measure of risk that the fund should maintain over time. The scale ranges from 1 (lowest risk) to 7 (highest risk)
Performance 6 months / 1 year / 3 years: performance expressed in euros over the past 6 months / 12 months / 36 months
Classification: the market in which the fund invests or the management objective.
Instrument: Indicates whether the financial instrument is a fund, ETF or fund of funds
Type: Indicates whether the fund's Portfolio and investment policy is predominantly equity, bond, whether it balances the two components, or whether the manager is free to vary the extent and risk
Theme : When a fund is "thematic," it means that it specializes in managing in a specific investment area.