It improves the world
and your investments

We help you choose the best financial investments for you, Society and the planet. In a simple and transparent way.


Positive Finance.
We help you invest well.

We are a Society benefit and want to promote economic and social models to build a better future, for us and our children.

Six Steps to Positive Finance

Our experts have designed a 6-step path to help you combine sustainability and profit in your investments.



Environment (environment), Social (Society) and Governance (good governance) : ESG, sustainability in three letters: The three fields on which our future is played out. Here is what you need to know to make informed investment choices, explained with simplicity.



You are clear about your ethical values and what you care about for the future of our society and the planet. But are you sure you are equally familiar with the financial instruments that best achieve your goals? This questionnaire will bring your values into your portfolio.



Equity and bond funds, ETFs, thematic funds... What are the best performers ? Which are sustainable ? Enter the financial investment jungle with us and you will discover that it is easier to find your way around than you think.



It is time to review your financial choices in the light of your values.
Indicate a fund you have invested in and find the best alternatives in terms of performance and sustainability.



Now you can extend your critical gaze to your entire investment portfolio. We analyse all your financial instruments with the dual lens of profitability and sustainability to understand the areas for improvement.


Take action

At this point you have all the tools to go by yourself and talk with your bank or financial advisor on an informed basis. But we won't abandon you and continue to give you the tools to make the best investments.

"The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it."

Robert Swan, the first man to reach on foot the Earth's two poles


Positive Finance.
Returns and sustainability.

Making profit or taking profit? This is no longer a dilemma. No more forced choices between profits and ideals, between self-interest and the common good. Positive finance is the new frontier of sustainability. It is the way to invest your money by promoting the values you believe in without sacrificing returns. Indeed, increasing it.

Positive Finance.
We help you get to know yourself.

An essential premise for successfully navigating finance and generating the desired impact on the planet and Society. Register for free and fill out our online questionnaire: you will understand what kind of 'positive investor' you are and which investments suit your preferences.

Positive Finance.
Easy finance.

Finance is a thing for experts. But the experts are on your side this time. You just need to identify your goals; we offer you the tools to achieve them. We have created a comprehensive evaluation method that analyzes thousands of mutual funds in Europe and selects the best of sustainable funds for you.

Positive Finance.
An impartial arbiter.

Only a third party, who does not have to sell you anything, can guarantee you the best financial advice. We are a group of professionals unrelated with any banking or financial organisation, we have no conflict of interest and what we provide is just our expertise and our technology.

Positive Finance.
Learn to be autonomous.

Our ultimate goal is not to inform but to educate. Once you have mastered the basic rules of finance and have focused on your sustainability goals and preferences, you will be able to talk on an informed basis with your bank or advisor and make informed investment decisions.