Make a good Portfolio on gender equality

3) I evaluate my management results.

Monitor the impacts of your Portfolio

This is a tricky part because this data is not readily available. Consult Positive Finance regularly, and we will help you measure :

  • The share of enterprises' activities related to fossil energy
  • The "Sal ary gap " that is, the difference in salaries between men and women in companies where you invest.
  • The percentage of women on the board of directors out of the total number of directors.
  • Incidents of discrimination related to Society in Portfolio.

Gradually, more and more Society management are publishing data on their Portfolio, and we are making rankings.

Unfortunately, reporting standards are different in Europe and the rest of the world, and it is not always possible to collect information, but we have created a summary indicator to assess the comparative impacts of funds.

Connect regularly to the Positive Finance site for updates.

Monitor the performance and risk of your Portfolio

Through ESGAP, you will have a simple tool to monitor the integrated quality of each fund at Portfolio. When funds maintain a score of 4 or 5 stars, you will have achieved excellent results.

Remember, however, that past performance does not guarantee that funds will be so in the future, particularly when the market changes. Always monitor the risk level of your Portfolio, and check that it is suitable for you.

Do not hesitate to involve your trusted financial advisor for help in setting up and managing a Portfolio dedicated to gender equality.

If you would like to meet an experienced financial advisor on this issue, write to us and you can meet independent advisors who can help you.

And if you want an automated service aligned on our principles, consider the Portfolio "Gender" model service proposed in Italy by online sim in partnership with Positive Finance.