Do a good Portfolio on gender equality :

1) I define my goals :

Learn more about equality and social inclusion

Gender equality is hindered by a number of social, economic and criminal abuses. To counter these, it is necessary to :
1) increase the representation of women in politics and business ;
2) combat all forms of economic and social discrimination,
3) protect the most vulnerable social groups, where women and children are prevalent,
4) watch over the respect of human, worker and children's rights;
5) change social habits through educational paths.

Social progress can be measured by the social position of the fairer sex.
(Karl Marx)

Go to the "Explore" section and check out our summary sheet on Equality and Inclusion. You will find information and good investment ideas-that is, funds that pay attention to equality and have good financial performance.

Define the duration and risk of your investment

Your financial risk profile depends on the maximum loss you would be prepared to accept if things go wrong. Your investment duration is the time you will allow your investment to appreciate in value before liquidating it.

You can find bond solutions, through investing in sustainable bonds ("Social Bonds" and "Sustainability bonds"), which promote social sustainability ; but be aware that there are currently no bond funds directly concerned with parity.

Or you can invest in equity funds focused on gender equality.

Define what percentage of your Portfolio stocks and bonds to devote to climate issues.
Choose one or more mutual funds or ETFs that are well diversified internationally.

Study thematic funds dedicated to gender equality

Equity funds dedicated to male-female parity number just a few dozen. They have slightly higher risk than international equity funds. Their performance over the past 5 years has been slightly lower but very similar to the stock market.

There is a need to incorporate climate issues into a diversified allocation in order to maximize performance and limit financial risks.

Sustainable bond funds generally have a medium- to long-term investment duration, and thus slightly higher risk than international bonds.

When interest rates fall, they outperform the market (in 2020 and 2023), but when they rise sharply, they lose much more (2022).

There are a few dozen equity funds dedicated to climate. In Italy there is no official classification, and it requires analytical work to figure out which generalist funds take equality into account.

They require an investment time horizon of at least 5 years.

the thematic funds on equality

Data in %. Performance of thematic funds on equality Performance of International Equity Funds Volatility of Thematic Funds on parity Volatility of International Equity Funds
2023 +13,37 +14,42 8,90 8,04
2022 -14,20 -14,74 15,31 13,27
2021 +21,09 +25,22 10,27 8,36
2020 +7,70 +5,43 24,29 19,73
2019 +26,67 +26,55 9,13 7,55

(Data compiled by MCSR based on the annual return of institutional classes of mutual funds and ETFs on the Robo4Advisor platform belonging to the "Thematic - Gender Equality" and "International Equities" classifications)

There are a few dozen bond funds dedicated to sustainability, dealing with both social and environmentalaspects .
Social bonds work to reduce social inequality and thus indirectly promote women's equality and inclusion.

They require an investment time horizon of at least 3 years.

"Green" bond funds

Data in %. Performance of Green Bonds Performance of International Bond Funds. Volatility of Green Bonds Volatility of international bond funds
2023 +6,33 +4,54 4,91 3,62
2022 -16,98 -8,87 5,89 4,61
2021 -1,52 +2,66 2,17 2,33
2020 +3,62 +0,10 4,13 3,90
2019 +6,94 +7,92 2,59 2,42

(Data compiled by MCSR based on the annual return of institutional classes of mutual funds and ETFs on the Robo4Advisor platform belonging to the "Sustainable Bonds" and "International Bonds" classifications)