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ESG profile

Your general indications :

1 - I know little or nothing; 10 - I am an expert
1 - I know little or nothing; 10 - I am an expert
Financial returns matter more : 1 - 2 Sustainability content matters more : 4 - 5
We will help you check whether your assets meet your target.
Environmental issues include the fight against climate change (which includes the development of alternative energies), respect for ecosystems and all issues designed to improve environmental sustainability.
Social issues include social inequalities and equality, access to essential services (food, health, housing and education), health and well-being, the economy and work.
Good governance topics analyse country and corporate governance systems, transparency, corruption, the culture of Peace and international cooperation

Select a valid form
ESG profile (no reg)

Environmental aspects

Environmental issues include the fight against climate change (which includes the development of alternative energies), respect for ecosystems and all issues designed to improve environmental sustainability.
Please indicate the environmental aspects on which you would like to act:
[select one or more images by clicking with the mouse].
this is an information field to help us serve you better. It will not be processed.

Social Aspects

Social issues include social inequalities and equality, access to essential services (food, health, housing and education), health and well-being, the economy and work.
Please indicate the social aspects that are most relevant to you:
[select one or more images by clicking with the mouse].
this is an information field to help us serve you better. It will not be processed.

Aspects of good governance

Environmental issues include the fight against climate change, alternative energies, respect for ecosystems and all issues designed to improve environmental sustainability.
Please indicate the aspects of good governance that are most relevant to you:
[select one or more images by clicking with the mouse].
this is an information field to help us serve you better. It will not be processed.


We will now give you the opportunity to discard economic practices that you cannot accept:

Your investor characteristics :

Financial returns matter more : 1 - 2 Sustainability criteria count more: 4 - 5
Tell us which criterion is the most important :
The more requests there are, the more difficult it is to find funds that meet all requirements: we will use the first the criterion that is most important to you.
1 - I know little or nothing; 10 - I am an expert
1 - I know little or nothing; 10 - I am an expert
Thank you, your ESG profile is complete. Do you think the information is sufficient?
0 - Many things are missing
10 - It is complete
this is an information field to help us serve you better. It is not processed.
0 - certainly not. 10 - absolutely yes

Select a valid form
Select a valid form
ESG profile (bkup)
Enter a name for the Portfolio
six ...

Environmental aspects

Social Aspects

Aspects of good governance

We will now give you the opportunity to discard economic practices that you cannot accept:

Your investor characteristics :

ESG profile (FR)

Environmental Aspects

Environmental issues include energy transition, and combating climate change, the preservation of ecosystems, and circular economy as well as all good environmental practices.
Indiquez sur quels aspects vous voudriez intervenir :
[select one or more images by clicking with the mouse].
Ceci est une information qualitative pour nous aider à augmenter la pertinence du questionnaire. Merci.

Aspects of Society

Themes of society include wealth inequalities, social ascension, equality, access to essential services (food, health, housing and education), health and well-being, the economy and employment.
Indiquez les aspects sociaux les plus importants pour vous :
[select one or more images by clicking with the mouse].
Cette information qualitative nous permettra de mieux cerner vos attentes. Merci.

Aspects of Governance

Governance themes include international relations, peace, cooperation as well as corruption, transparency and justice.
Indiquez les aspects de gouvernement les plus importants pour vous :
[select one or more images by clicking with the mouse].
Cette information qualitative nous permettra de mieux cerner vos attentes. Elle ne sera pas élaborée. Thank you.

Les exclusions

Indiquez nous les pratiques économiques que vous juges inacceptables :

Vos caractéristiques d'investisseur :

Financial returns: 1 - 2 sustainable development criteria: 4 - 5
Quels aspects sont plus importants ?
The more you formulate objectives, the more difficult it is to meet all the criteria: help us to set priorities.
1 - non, je n'y connais rien ; 10 - oui, je suis un expert
1 - non, je n'y connais rien ; 10 - oui, je suis un expert
Thank you, your ESG profile is complete. Pensez vous que les informations récoltées soient suffisantes ?
0 - Many things are missing
10 - It is complete
this is an information field to help us serve you better. It is not processed.
0 - certainly not. 10 - absolutely yes
